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'Really, Rat,' said the Mole, quite pettishly, 'I think we'd had enough of this folly. Voice Reading
Who ever heard of a door-mat TELLING anyone anything? They simply don't do it. Voice Reading
They are not that sort at all. Voice Reading
Door-mats know their place.' Voice Reading
Now look here, you-you thick-headed beast,' replied the Rat, really angry, 'this must stop. Voice Reading
Not another word, but scrape-scrape and scratch and dig and hunt round, especially on the sides of the hummocks, if you want to sleep dry and warm to-night, for it's our last chance!' Voice Reading
The Rat attacked a snow-bank beside them with ardour, probing with his cudgel everywhere and then digging with fury; and the Mole scraped busily too, more to oblige the Rat than for any other reason, for his opinion was that his friend was getting light-headed. Voice Reading
Some ten minutes' hard work, and the point of the Rat's cudgel struck something that sounded hollow. Voice Reading
He worked till he could get a paw through and feel; then called the Mole to come and help him. Voice Reading
Hard at it went the two animals, till at last the result of their labours stood full in view of the astonished and hitherto incredulous Mole. Voice Reading
In the side of what had seemed to be a snow-bank stood a solid-looking little door, painted a dark green. Voice Reading
An iron bell-pull hung by the side, and below it, on a small brass plate, neatly engraved in square capital letters, they could read by the aid of moonlight MR. BADGER. Voice Reading
The Mole fell backwards on the snow from sheer surprise and delight. Voice Reading
'Rat!' he cried in penitence, 'you're a wonder! A real wonder, that's what you are. Voice Reading
I see it all now! You argued it out, step by step, in that wise head of yours, from the very moment that I fell and cut my shin, and you looked at the cut, and at once your majestic mind said to itself, "Door-scraper!" And then you turned to and found the very door-scraper that done it! Did you stop there? No. Voice Reading
Some people would have been quite satisfied; but not you. Voice Reading
Your intellect went on working. Voice Reading
Let me only just find a door-mat, says you to yourself, "and my theory is proved!" And of course you found your door-mat. Voice Reading
You're so clever, I believe you could find anything you liked. Voice Reading
Now, says you, "that door exists, as plain as if I saw it. Voice Reading
There's nothing else remains to be done but to find it!" Well, I've read about that sort of thing in books, but I've never come across it before in real life. Voice Reading
You ought to go where you'll be properly appreciated. Voice Reading
You're simply wasted here, among us fellows. Voice Reading
If I only had your head, Ratty--' Voice Reading
'But as you haven't,' interrupted the Rat, rather unkindly, 'I suppose you're going to sit on the snow all night and TALK? Get up at once and hang on to that bell-pull you see there, and ring hard, as hard as you can, while I hammer!' Voice Reading

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