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"Oh!" exclaimed Mary, "then I shall see him! I never thought I should see Dickon." Voice Reading
"Does tha' want to see him?" asked Martha suddenly, for Mary had looked so pleased. Voice Reading
"Yes, I do. I never saw a boy foxes and crows loved. I want to see him very much." Voice Reading
Martha gave a little start, as if she remembered something. Voice Reading
"Now to think," she broke out, "to think o' me forgettin' that there; an' I thought I was goin' to tell you first thing this mornin'. I asked mother-and she said she'd ask Mrs. Medlock her own self." Voice Reading
"Do you mean-" Mary began. Voice Reading
"What I said Tuesday. Ask her if you might be driven over to our cottage some day and have a bit o' mother's hot oat cake, an' butter, an' a glass o' milk." Voice Reading
It seemed as if all the interesting things were happening in one day. To think of going over the moor in the daylight and when the sky was blue! To think of going into the cottage which held twelve children! Voice Reading
"Does she think Mrs. Medlock would let me go?" she asked, quite anxiously. Voice Reading
"Aye, she thinks she would. She knows what a tidy woman mother is and how clean she keeps the cottage." Voice Reading
"If I went I should see your mother as well as Dickon," said Mary, thinking it over and liking the idea very much. "She doesn't seem to be like the mothers in India." Voice Reading
Her work in the garden and the excitement of the afternoon ended by making her feel quiet and thoughtful. Martha stayed with her until tea-time, but they sat in comfortable quiet and talked very little. But just before Martha went downstairs for the tea-tray, Mary asked a question. Voice Reading
"Martha," she said, "has the scullery-maid had the toothache again today?" Voice Reading
Martha certainly started slightly. Voice Reading
"What makes thee ask that?" she said. Voice Reading
"Because when I waited so long for you to come back I opened the door and walked down the corridor to see if you were coming. And I heard that far-off crying again, just as we heard it the other night. There isn't a wind today, so you see it couldn't have Voice Reading
"Eh!" said Martha restlessly. "Tha' mustn't go walkin' about in corridors an' listenin'. Mr. Craven would be that there angry there's no knowin' what he'd do." Voice Reading
"I wasn't listening," said Mary. "I was just waiting for you-and I heard it. That's three times." Voice Reading
"My word! There's Mrs. Medlock's bell," said Martha, and she almost ran out of the room. Voice Reading
"It's the strangest house anyone ever lived in," said Mary drowsily, as she dropped her head on the cushioned seat of the armchair near her. Fresh air, and digging, and skipping-rope had made her feel so comfortably tired that she fell asleep. Voice Reading
The sun shone down for nearly a week on the secret garden. The Secret Garden was what Mary called it when she was thinking of it. She liked the name, and she liked still more the feeling that when its beautiful old walls shut her in no one knew where she was. It seemed almost like being shut out of the world in some fairy place. Voice Reading
The few books she had read and liked had been fairy-story books, and she had read of secret gardens in some of the stories. Sometimes people went to sleep in them for a hundred years, which she had thought must be rather stupid. She had no intention of going to sleep, and, in fact, she was becoming wider awake every day which passed at Misselthwaite. Voice Reading
She was beginning to like to be out of doors; she no longer hated the wind, but enjoyed it. She could run faster, and longer, and she could skip up to a hundred. The bulbs in the secret garden must have been much astonished. Voice Reading
Such nice clear places were made round them that they had all the breathing space they wanted, and really, if Mistress Mary had known it, they began to cheer up under the dark earth and work tremendously. The sun could get at them and warm them, and when the rain came down it could reach them at once, so they began to feel very much alive. Voice Reading

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