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The dreams were either uninteresting (Byelovzorov had dreamed that he fed his mare on carp, and that she had a wooden head), or unnatural and invented. Voice Reading
Meidanov regaled us with a regular romance; there were sepulchres in it, and angels with lyres, and talking flowers and music wafted from afar. Voice Reading
Zinaida did not let him finish. Voice Reading
'If we are to have compositions,' she said, 'let every one tell something made up, and no pretence about it.' The first who had to speak was again Byelovzorov. Voice Reading
The young hussar was confused. 'I can't make up anything!' he cried. Voice Reading
'What nonsense!' said Zinaida. 'Well, imagine, for instance, you are married, and tell us how you would treat your wife. Would you lock her up?' Voice Reading
'Yes, I should lock her up.' Voice Reading
'And would you stay with her yourself?' Voice Reading
'Yes, I should certainly stay with her myself.' Voice Reading
'Very good. Well, but if she got sick of that, and she deceived you?' Voice Reading
'I should kill her.' Voice Reading
'And if she ran away?' Voice Reading
'I should catch her up and kill her all the same.' Voice Reading
'Oh. And suppose now I were your wife, what would you do then?' Voice Reading
Byelovzorov was silent a minute. 'I should kill myself...' Voice Reading
Zinaida laughed. 'I see yours is not a long story.' Voice Reading
The next forfeit was Zinaida's. Voice Reading
She looked at the ceiling and considered. Voice Reading
'Well, listen, she began at last, 'what I have thought of... Voice Reading
Picture to yourselves a magnificent palace, a summer night, and a marvellous ball. Voice Reading
This ball is given by a young queen. Voice Reading
Everywhere gold and marble, crystal, silk, lights, diamonds, flowers, fragrant scents, every caprice of luxury.' Voice Reading
'You love luxury?' Lushin interposed. 'Luxury is beautiful,' she retorted; 'I love everything beautiful.' Voice Reading
'More than what is noble?' he asked. Voice Reading
'That's something clever, I don't understand it. Don't interrupt me. So the ball is magnificent. There are crowds of guests, all of them are young, handsome, and brave, all are frantically in love with the queen.' Voice Reading

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