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"Very. But rather mysterious." Voice Reading
"In what way?" Voice Reading
"Well, where's the front door?" Voice Reading
"The front door? Why, you've just come out of it." Voice Reading
"But isn't there a drive, or a road or anything?" Voice Reading
Bill laughed. Voice Reading
"No; that's the beauty of it to some people. And that's why it's so cheap, and why the Norburys can afford it, I expect. They're not too well off." Voice Reading
"But what about luggage and tradesmen and that kind of thing?" Voice Reading
"Oh, there's a cart-track, but motor-cars can't come any nearer than the road" he turned round and pointed "up there. So the week-end millionaire people don't take it. At least, they'd have to build a road and a garage and all the rest of it, if they did." Voice Reading
"I see," said Antony carelessly, and they turned round and continued their walk up to the road. But later on he remembered this casual conversation at the gate, and saw the importance of it. Voice Reading
CHAPTER XVI. Getting Ready for the Night
What was it which Cayley was going to hide in that pond that night? Antony thought that he knew now. It was Mark's body. Voice Reading
From the beginning he had seen this answer coming and had drawn back from it. Voice Reading
For, if Mark had been killed, it seemed such a cold-blooded killing. Voice Reading
Was Cayley equal to it? Bill would have said "No," but that was because he had had breakfast with Cayley, and lunch with him, and dinner with him; had ragged him and played games with him. Voice Reading
Bill would have said "No," because Bill wouldn't have killed anybody in cold blood himself, and because he took it for granted that other people behaved pretty much as he did. Voice Reading
But Antony had no such illusions. Voice Reading
Murders were done; murder had actually been done here, for there was Robert's dead body. Voice Reading
Why not another murder? Voice Reading
Had Mark been in the office at all that afternoon? The only evidence (other than Cayley's, which obviously did not count) was Elsie's. Voice Reading
Elsie was quite certain that she had heard his voice. Voice Reading
But then Bill had said that it was a very characteristic voice-an easy voice, therefore, to imitate. Voice Reading
If Bill could imitate it so successfully, why not Cayley? Voice Reading
But perhaps it had not been such a cold-blooded killing, after all. Voice Reading
Suppose Cayley had had a quarrel with his cousin that afternoon over the girl whom they were both wooing. Voice Reading

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