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To me, he was in reality become no longer flesh, but marble; his eye was a cold, bright, blue gem; his tongue a speaking instrument-nothing more. Voice Reading
All this was torture to me-refined, lingering torture. Voice Reading
It kept up a slow fire of indignation and a trembling trouble of grief, which harassed and crushed me altogether. Voice Reading
I felt how-if I were his wife, this good man, pure as the deep sunless source, could soon kill me, without drawing from my veins a single drop of blood, or receiving on his own crystal conscience the faintest stain of crime. Voice Reading
Especially I felt this when I made any attempt to propitiate him. Voice Reading
No ruth met my ruth. Voice Reading
He experienced no suffering from estrangement-no yearning after reconciliation; and though, more than once, my fast falling tears blistered the page over which we both bent, they produced no more effect on him than if his heart had been really a matter of stone or metal. Voice Reading
To his sisters, meantime, he was somewhat kinder than usual: as if afraid that mere coldness would not sufficiently convince me how completely I was banished and banned, he added the force of contrast; and this I am sure he did not by force, but on principle. Voice Reading
The night before he left home, happening to see him walking in the garden about sunset, and remembering, as I looked at him, that this man, alienated as he now was, had once saved my life, and that we were near relations, I was moved to make a last attempt to regain his friendship. Voice Reading
I went out and approached him as he stood leaning over the little gate; I spoke to the point at once. Voice Reading
"St. John, I am unhappy because you are still angry with me. Let us be friends." Voice Reading
"I hope we are friends," was the unmoved reply; while he still watched the rising of the moon, which he had been contemplating as I approached. Voice Reading
"No, St. John, we are not friends as we were. You know that." Voice Reading
"Are we not? That is wrong. For my part, I wish you no ill and all good." Voice Reading
"I believe you, St. John; for I am sure you are incapable of wishing any one ill; but, as I am your kinswoman, I should desire somewhat more of affection than that sort of general philanthropy you extend to mere strangers." Voice Reading
"Of course," he said. "Your wish is reasonable, and I am far from regarding you as a stranger." Voice Reading
This, spoken in a cool, tranquil tone, was mortifying and baffling enough. Voice Reading
Had I attended to the suggestions of pride and ire, I should immediately have left him; but something worked within me more strongly than those feelings could. Voice Reading
I deeply venerated my cousin's talent and principle. Voice Reading
His friendship was of value to me: to lose it tried me severely. Voice Reading
I would not so soon relinquish the attempt to reconquer it. Voice Reading
"Must we part in this way, St. John? And when you go to India, will you leave me so, without a kinder word than you have yet spoken?" Voice Reading
He now turned quite from the moon and faced me. Voice Reading
"When I go to India, Jane, will I leave you! What! do you not go to India?" Voice Reading
"You said I could not unless I married you." Voice Reading

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