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Before reaching the town the hunter branched away into a rugged and narrow footpath which led to the mountains. Voice Reading
Two dark jagged peaks loomed above them through the darkness, and the defile which led between them was the Eagle Canon in which the horses were awaiting them. Voice Reading
With unerring instinct Jefferson Hope picked his way among the great boulders and along the bed of a dried-up watercourse, until he came to the retired corner, screened with rocks, where the faithful animals had been picketed. Voice Reading
The girl was placed upon the mule, and old Ferrier upon one of the horses, with his money-bag, while Jefferson Hope led the other along the precipitous and dangerous path. Voice Reading
It was a bewildering route for anyone who was not accustomed to face Nature in her wildest moods. Voice Reading
On the one side a great crag towered up a thousand feet or more, black, stern, and menacing, with long basaltic columns upon its rugged surface like the ribs of some petrified monster. Voice Reading
On the other hand a wild chaos of boulders and debris made all advance impossible. Voice Reading
Between the two ran the irregular track, so narrow in places that they had to travel in Indian file, and so rough that only practised riders could have traversed it at all. Voice Reading
Yet in spite of all dangers and difficulties, the hearts of the fugitives were light within them, for every step increased the distance between them and the terrible despotism from which they were flying. Voice Reading
They soon had a proof, however, that they were still within the jurisdiction of the Saints. Voice Reading
They had reached the very wildest and most desolate portion of the pass when the girl gave a startled cry, and pointed upwards. Voice Reading
On a rock which overlooked the track, showing out dark and plain against the sky, there stood a solitary sentinel. Voice Reading
He saw them as soon as they perceived him, and his military challenge of "Who goes there?" rang through the silent ravine. Voice Reading
"Travelers for Nevada," said Jefferson Hope, with his hand upon the rifle which hung by his saddle. Voice Reading
They could see the lonely watcher fingering his gun, and peering down at them as if dissatisfied at their reply. Voice Reading
"By whose permission?" he asked. Voice Reading
"The Holy Four," answered Ferrier. His Mormon experiences had taught him that that was the highest authority to which he could refer. Voice Reading
"Nine from seven," cried the sentinel. Voice Reading
"Seven from five," returned Jefferson Hope promptly, remembering the countersign which he had heard in the garden. Voice Reading
"Pass, and the Lord go with you," said the voice from above. Voice Reading
Beyond his post the path broadened out, and the horses were able to break into a trot. Voice Reading
Looking back, they could see the solitary watcher leaning upon his gun, and knew that they had passed the outlying post of the chosen people, and that freedom lay before them. Voice Reading
Chapter 5. The Avenging Angels
All night their course lay through intricate defiles and over irregular and rock-strewn paths. Voice Reading
More than once they lost their way, but Hope's intimate knowledge of the mountains enabled them to regain the track once more. Voice Reading

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