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Now she tiptoed forward and laid her hand lightly upon his bended shoulders. Voice Reading
If she had expected to startle him, she certainly succeeded; but only in turn to be startled herself. Voice Reading
With a tiger spring he turned on her, and his right hand was feeling for her throat. Voice Reading
At the same instant with the other hand he crumpled up the paper that lay before him. Voice Reading
For an instant he stood glaring. Voice Reading
Then astonishment and joy took the place of the ferocity which had convulsed his features-a ferocity which had sent her shrinking back in horror as from something which had never before intruded into her gentle life. Voice Reading
"It's you!" said he, mopping his brow. "And to think that you should come to me, heart of my heart, and I should find nothing better to do than to want to strangle you! Come then, darling," and he held out his arms, "let me make it up to you." Voice Reading
But she had not recovered from that sudden glimpse of guilty fear which she had read in the man's face. All her woman's instinct told her that it was not the mere fright of a man who is startled. Guilt-that was it-guilt and fear! Voice Reading
"What's come over you, Jack?" she cried. "Why were you so scared of me? Oh, Jack, if your conscience was at ease, you would not have looked at me like that!" Voice Reading
"Sure, I was thinking of other things, and when you came tripping so lightly on those fairy feet of yours-" Voice Reading
"No, no, it was more than that, Jack." Then a sudden suspicion seized her." Let me see that letter you were writing." Voice Reading
"Ah, Ettie, I couldn't do that." Voice Reading
Her suspicions became certainties. "It's to another woman," she cried. "Iknow it! Why else should you hold it from me? Was it to your wife that you were writing? How am I to know that you are not a married man-you, a stranger, that nobody knows?" Voice Reading
"I am not married, Ettie. See now, I swear it! You're the only one woman on earth to me. By the cross of Christ I swear it!" Voice Reading
He was so white with passionate earnestness that she could not but believe him. Voice Reading
"Well, then," she cried, "why will you not show me the letter?" Voice Reading
"I'll tell you, acushla," said he. Voice Reading
"I'm under oath not to show it, and just as I wouldn't break my word to you so I would keep it to those who hold my promise. Voice Reading
It's the business of the lodge, and even to you it's secret. Voice Reading
And if I was scared when a hand fell on me, can't you understand it when it might have been the hand of a detective?" Voice Reading
She felt that he was telling the truth. He gathered her into his arms and kissed away her fears and doubts. Voice Reading
"Sit here by me, then. It's a queer throne for such a queen; but it's the best your poor lover can find. He'll do better for you some of these days, I'm thinking. Now your mind is easy once again, is it not?" Voice Reading
"How can it ever be at ease, Jack, when I know that you are a criminal among criminals, when I never know the day that I may hear you are in court for murder? 'McMurdo the Scowrer,' that's what one of our boarders called you yesterday. It went through my heart like a knife." Voice Reading
"Sure, hard words break no bones." Voice Reading
"But they were true." Voice Reading

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