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And if my mother ever questioned him, he beat her, abused her, and really it was difficult. Voice Reading
When I went to school, I had a dream. I wanted to become a teacher. Voice Reading
Teachers looked nice. They wear nice dresses, high-heeled shoes. Voice Reading
I found out later that they are uncomfortable, but I admired it. Voice Reading
(Laughter) But most of all, the teacher was just writing on the board -- not hard work, that's what I thought, compared to what I was doing in the farm. So I wanted to become a teacher. Voice Reading
I worked hard in school, but when I was in eighth grade, it was a determining factor. Voice Reading
In our tradition, there is a ceremony that girls have to undergo to become women, and it's a rite of passage to womanhood. Voice Reading
And then I was just finishing my eighth grade, and that was a transition for me to go to high school. Voice Reading
This was the crossroad. Once I go through this tradition, I was going to become a wife. Well, my dream of becoming a teacher will not come to pass. So I talked -- I had to come up with a plan to figure these things out. Voice Reading
I talked to my father. I did something that most girls have never done. Voice Reading
I told my father, "I will only go through this ceremony if you let me go back to school." Voice Reading
The reason why, if I ran away, my father will have a stigma, people will be calling him the father of that girl who didn't go through the ceremony. Voice Reading
It was a shameful thing for him to carry the rest of his life. Voice Reading
So he figured out. "Well," he said, "okay, you'll go to school after the ceremony." Voice Reading
I did. The ceremony happened. It's a whole week long of excitement. Voice Reading
It's a ceremony. People are enjoying it. Voice Reading
And the day before the actual ceremony happens, we were dancing, having excitement, and through all the night we did not sleep. Voice Reading
The actual day came, and we walked out of the house that we were dancing in. Voice Reading
Yes, we danced and danced. Voice Reading
We walked out to the courtyard, and there were a bunch of people waiting. They were all in a circle. Voice Reading
And as we danced and danced, and we approached this circle of women, men, women, children, everybody was there. Voice Reading
There was a woman sitting in the middle of it, and this woman was waiting to hold us. I was the first. Voice Reading
There were my sisters and a couple of other girls, and as I approached her, she looked at me, and I sat down. Voice Reading
And I sat down, and I opened my legs. As I opened my leg, another woman came, and this woman was carrying a knife. Voice Reading
And as she carried the knife, she walked toward me and she held the clitoris, and she cut it off. Voice Reading

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