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He wouldn't come to school. Voice Reading
He said that sometimes school was just too depressing because people were always fighting and teachers were quitting. Voice Reading
And also, his mother worked two jobs and was just too tired to make him come. Voice Reading
So I made it my job to get him to come to school. Voice Reading
And because I was crazy and 22 and zealously optimistic, my strategy was just to show up at his house and say, "Hey, why don't you come to school?" And this strategy actually worked, he started to come to school every day. Voice Reading
And he started to flourish in my class. Voice Reading
He was writing poetry, he was reading books. Voice Reading
He was coming to school every day. Voice Reading
Around the same time that I had figured out how to connect to Patrick, I got into law school at Harvard. Voice Reading
I once again faced this question, where should I put myself, where do I put my body? And I thought to myself that the Mississippi Delta was a place where people with money, people with opportunity, those people leave. Voice Reading
And the people who stay behind are the people who don't have the chance to leave. Voice Reading
I didn't want to be a person who left. Voice Reading
I wanted to be a person who stayed. Voice Reading
On the other hand, I was lonely and tired. Voice Reading
And so I convinced myself that I could do more change on a larger scale if I had a prestigious law degree. So I left. Voice Reading
Three years later, when I was about to graduate from law school, my friend called me and told me that Patrick had got into a fight and killed someone. Voice Reading
I was devastated. Voice Reading
Part of me didn't believe it, but part of me also knew that it was true. Voice Reading
I flew down to see Patrick. I visited him in jail. Voice Reading
And he told me that it was true. That he had killed someone. Voice Reading
And he didn't want to talk more about it. Voice Reading
I asked him what had happened with school and he said that he had dropped out the year after I left. Voice Reading
And then he wanted to tell me something else. Voice Reading
He looked down and he said that he had had a baby daughter who was just born. Voice Reading
And he felt like he had let her down. Voice Reading

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