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Typing Practice

The Bogey-Beast

Time : Ready
WPM : 0
CPM : 0

"Well! I never!" says she again.
"And I mistaking it for silver! I must have been dreaming.
But this is luck! It's real convenient.
I can get penny pieces for old iron, and penny pieces are a deal handier for me than your gold and silver.
Why! I should never have slept a wink for fear of being robbed.
But a penny piece comes in useful, and I shall sell that iron for a lot and be real rich-rolling rich."
So on she trotted full of plans as to how she would spend her penny pieces, till once more she stopped to rest and looked round to see her treasure was safe. And this time she saw nothing but a big stone.
"Well! I never!" she cried, full of smiles. "And to think I mistook it for iron. I must have been dreaming. But here's luck indeed, and me wanting a stone terrible bad to stick open the gate. Eh my! but it's a change for the better! It's a fine thing to have good luck."
So, all in a hurry to see how the stone would keep the gate open, she trotted off down the hill till she came to her own cottage.
She unlatched the gate and then turned to unfasten her shawl from the stone which lay on the path behind her.