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Typing Practice

A girl who demanded school

Time : Ready
WPM : 0
CPM : 0

Cool, yeah?
And everything I had to do from that moment was to prepare me to be a perfect woman at age 12.
My day started at 5 in the morning, milking the cows, sweeping the house, cooking for my siblings, collecting water, firewood.
I did everything that I needed to do to become a perfect wife.
I went to school not because the Maasais' women or girls were going to school.
It's because my mother was denied an education, and she constantly reminded me and my siblings that she never wanted us to live the life she was living.
Why did she say that?
My father worked as a policeman in the city.
He came home once a year. We didn't see him for sometimes even two years.
And whenever he came home, it was a different case.