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fan noun [ˈfæn]
  • a machine or device that is used to move the air and make people or things cooler: such as
  • a flat device that is held in your hand and waved back and forth in front of your face
  • an electrical machine that has turning blades
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cycle noun [ˈsaɪkəl]
  • a set of events or actions that happen again and again in the same order : a repeating series of events or actions —often + of
  • a set of regular and repeated actions that are done by a machine as part of a longer process
  • a bicycle or motorcycle —often used before another noun
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culture noun [ˈkʌltʃɚ]
  • the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time
  • a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.
  • a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)
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file noun [ˈfajəl]
  • a device (such as a box, folder, or cabinet) in which documents that you want to keep are stored so that they can be found easily
  • a collection of documents that have information you want to keep and that are stored so that they can be found easily
  • a collection of computer data that forms a single unit and that is given a particular name
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gift noun [ˈgɪft]
  • something that is given to another person or to a group or organization
  • a special ability —often + for —sometimes + of
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glove noun [ˈglʌv]
  • a covering for the hand that has separate parts for each finger
  • a padded leather covering for the hand that is used to catch the ball and that has individual thumb and finger sections
  • a very thick, padded covering for the hand that is worn in the sport of boxing —often used figuratively in the phrases take off the gloves and the gloves are off to say that people are beginning to criticize or attack each other in a very harsh and direct way
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handsome adjective [ˈhænsəm]
  • pleasing to look at : attractive; especially, of a person : having a pleasing appearance that causes romantic or sexual feelings in someone
  • large in size or amount
  • done or achieved in an impressive way
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honest adjective [ˈɑːnəst]
  • good and truthful : not lying, stealing, or cheating
  • showing or suggesting a good and truthful character
  • not hiding the truth about someone or something : not meant to deceive someone
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introduce verb [ˌɪntrəˈduːs]
  • to make (someone) known to someone else by name —often + to
  • to cause (something) to begin to be used for the first time
  • to make (something) available for sale for the first time
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tour noun [ˈtuɚ]
  • a journey through the different parts of a country, region, etc.
  • an activity in which you go through a place (such as a building or city) in order to see and learn about the different parts of it
  • a series of related performances, appearances, competitions, etc., that occur at different places over a period of time
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score noun [ˈskoɚ]
  • the number of points, goals, runs, etc., that each player or team has in a game or contest
  • the number of points that someone gets for correct answers on a test, exam, etc.
  • a document showing all the notes of a piece of music
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lazy adjective [ˈleɪzi]
  • not liking to work hard or to be active
  • not having much activity : causing people to feel that they do not want to be active
  • moving slowly
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honey noun [ˈhʌni]
  • a thick, sweet substance made by bees
  • —used to address someone you love
  • something that is very good
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headache noun [ˈhɛdˌeɪk]
  • an ache or pain in the head
  • a difficult or annoying situation or problem
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gesture noun [ˈʤɛstʃɚ]
  • a movement of your body (especially of your hands and arms) that shows or emphasizes an idea or a feeling
  • something said or done to show a particular feeling or attitude
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fool noun [ˈfuːl]
  • a person who lacks good sense or judgment : a stupid or silly person
  • a person who enjoys something very much
  • a dessert made with cooked fruit and cream or a thick sauce
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famous adjective [ˈfeɪməs]
  • known or recognized by very many people : having fame —often + for or as
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fail verb [ˈfeɪl]
  • to not succeed : to end without success —followed by to + verb
  • to not succeed as a business : to become bankrupt
  • to not do (something that you should do or are expected to do)—followed by to + verb