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worksheet noun [ˈwɚkˌʃiːt]
  • a piece of paper that contains printed exercises and problems to be done by a student
  • a printed form that is used in planning or calculating something
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owe verb [ˈoʊ]
  • to need to pay or repay money to a person, bank, business, etc.
  • to need to do or give something to someone who has done something for you or given something to you
  • —used to say that something should be done for or given to someone
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mob noun [ˈmɑːb]
  • a large group or crowd of people who are angry or violent or difficult to control
  • a large number of people—usually + of —often plural
  • a secret organized group of criminals —often used as mob before another noun
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knob noun [ˈnɑːb]
  • a round switch on a television, radio, etc.
  • a round handle on a door, drawer, etc.
  • a small lump or piece of something
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knot noun [ˈnɑːt]
  • a part that forms when you tie a piece of rope, string, fabric, etc., to itself or to something else
  • a part where something has become twisted or wrapped around itself —often used figuratively
  • a painful or uncomfortable feeling of tightness in part of your body
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hooligan noun [ˈhuːlɪgən]
  • a usually young man who does noisy and violent things as part of a group or gang
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hatred noun [ˈheɪtrəd]
  • a very strong feeling of dislike : hate
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gross adjective [ˈgroʊs]
  • very obvious or noticeable
  • rude or offensive
  • very disgusting
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explode verb [ɪkˈsploʊd]
  • to suddenly break apart in a violent way with parts flying outward
  • to change in a very sudden and violent way
  • to move with sudden speed and force
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expel verb [ɪkˈspɛl]
  • to officially force (someone) to leave a place or organization
  • to push or force (something) out
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exception noun [ɪkˈsɛpʃən]
  • someone or something that is different from others : someone or something that is not included
  • a case where a rule does not apply
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prayer noun [ˈpreɚ]
  • words spoken to God especially in order to give thanks or to ask for something —often + for
  • a fixed set of words that are spoken to God
  • the act of speaking to God : the act of praying
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flagpole noun [ˈflægˌpoʊl]
  • a tall pole from which a flag hangs : a pole used to display a flag
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enthusiastic adjective [ɪnˌθuːziˈæstɪk]
  • feeling or showing strong excitement about something : filled with or marked by enthusiasm
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emergency noun [ɪˈmɚʤənsi]
  • an unexpected and usually dangerous situation that calls for immediate action —often used before another noun
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dump verb [ˈdʌmp]
  • to put (something) somewhere in a quick and careless way —sometimes used figuratively
  • to leave or get rid of (something or someone) quickly or without concern
  • to end a romantic relationship with (someone)
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dishwasher noun [ˈdɪʃˌwɑːʃɚ]
  • a person whose job is to wash dishes in a restaurant
  • a machine that is used to wash dishes