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dreamy adjective [ˈdriːmi]
  • tending to dream instead of thinking about what is real or practical
  • having a quality which shows or suggests that you are not noticing or thinking about what is happening around you
  • pleasant, peaceful, and relaxing
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describe verb [dɪˈskraɪb]
  • to tell someone the appearance, sound, smell, events, etc., of (something or someone) : to say what something or someone is like —often + as
  • to make a motion or draw a line that shows the shape of (something)
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coffin noun [ˈkɑːfən]
  • a box in which a dead person is buried
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clay noun [ˈkleɪ]
  • a heavy, sticky material from the earth that is made into different shapes and that becomes hard when it is baked or dried —often used before another noun
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carve verb [ˈkɑɚv]
  • to make (something, such as a sculpture or design) by cutting off pieces of the material it is made of —often + out of or from
  • to cut (something, such as a pattern or design) into a surface—often + into or on
  • to create (something) by cutting into a surface—often + out
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burial noun [ˈberijəl]
  • the act or ceremony of burying a dead person in a grave —often used before another noun
  • the act of burying something in the ground
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budge verb [ˈbʌʤ]
  • to move slightly—usually used in negative statements
  • to change your opinion or decision—usually used in negative statements
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squinty adjective [ˈskwɪnti]
  • partly closed or seeming to be partly closed
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sputter verb [ˈspʌtɚ]
  • to make loud sounds like explosions
  • to speak quickly or in a confused way because you are upset, surprised, etc.
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smooth adjective [ˈsmuːð]
  • having a flat, even surface : not rough : not having any bumps, ridges, or uneven parts
  • not having any lumps : mixed together so there are no lumps
  • happening or done without any problems
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precipice noun [ˈprɛsəpəs]
  • a very steep side of a mountain or cliff
  • a point where danger, trouble, or difficulty begins—usually singular
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split verb [ˈsplɪt]
  • to break apart or into pieces especially along a straight line
  • to separate or divide into parts or groups —often + up —often + up
  • to separate or divide into groups that disagree
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clammy adjective [ˈklæmi]
  • unpleasantly wet and cold
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barely adverb [ˈbeɚli]
  • hardly or scarcely—used to say that something was almost not possible or almost did not happen
  • —used to say that someone or something only has a specified small size, age, length, etc.
  • —used to say that something reached a specified condition or happened only a short time before
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awe noun [ˈɑː]
  • a strong feeling of fear or respect and also wonder —often used after in —often used in the phrase in awe of
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absolute adjective [ˈæbsəˌluːt]
  • complete and total —often used informally to make a statement more forceful —sometimes used with the most
  • not limited in any way
  • having unlimited power
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visor noun [ˈvaɪzɚ]
  • a piece on the front of a helmet that you can pull down to protect your face
  • the part of a hat or cap that sticks out in front to protect or shade your eyes
  • a flat, stiff piece of material on the inside of a car above the windshield that you can pull down to keep sunlight from shining in your eyes
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tread verb [ˈtrɛd]
  • to walk —often used figuratively
  • to walk on or along (something) —often used figuratively
  • to form (a path) by walking