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knight noun [ˈnaɪt]
  • a soldier in the past who had a high social rank and who fought while riding a horse and usually wearing armor
  • a man who is given a special honor and the title of Sir by the king or queen of England
  • a chess piece shaped like a horse's head
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flashlight noun [ˈflæʃˌlaɪt]
  • a small electric light that can be carried in your hand and that runs on batteries —called also (British) torch
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fireplace noun [ˈfajɚˌpleɪs]
  • a specially built place in a room where a fire can be built
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embankment noun [ɪmˈbæŋkmənt]
  • a raised bank or wall that is built to carry a roadway or hold back water
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crossbow noun [ˈkrɑːsˌboʊ]
  • a weapon that shoots arrows and that consists of a short bow attached to a longer piece of wood
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creak verb [ˈkriːk]
  • to make a long, high sound : to make a sound like the sound made by an old door when it opens or closes
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chirp verb [ˈtʃɚp]
  • to make a short high-pitched sound
  • to say (something) in a cheerful and lively way
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canter noun [ˈkæntɚ]
  • the way a horse moves when it is running fairly fast
  • a ride or run at a canter—usually singular
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bent adjective [ˈbɛnt]
  • having a shape that is changed by bending : not straight
  • not honest
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ax noun []
  • a tool that has a heavy metal blade and a long handle and that is used for chopping wood
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armory noun []
  • a supply of weapons —sometimes used figuratively
  • a place where weapons are kept; especially, US : a place where weapons are kept and where soldiers are trained
  • a place where weapons are made
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plank noun [ˈplæŋk]
  • a long, thick board that is used especially in building something
  • one of the official beliefs and goals of an organization (such as a political party)
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rein noun [ˈreɪn]
  • a strap that is fastened to a device (called a bridle) placed on the head of an animal (such as a horse) and that is used to guide and control the animal—usually plural
  • the ability to limit or control something
  • the power to guide or control someone or something—usually plural
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spear noun [ˈspiɚ]
  • a weapon that has a long straight handle and a sharp point
  • a new part of a plant that is thin and pointed : a shoot or sprout of a plant
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streak noun [ˈstriːk]
  • a long, thin mark that is a different color from its background
  • a quality that is noticeable especially because it is different from a person's other qualities—usually singular
  • a period of repeated success or failure
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struggle verb [ˈstrʌgəl]
  • to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems —often followed by to + verb
  • to move with difficulty or with great effort
  • to try to move yourself, an object, etc., by making a lot of effort
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torchlight noun [ˈtoɚtʃˌlaɪt]
  • the light from a burning torch
  • the light from a flashlight