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afloat adjective [əˈfloʊt]
  • floating on water
  • having enough money to continue : able to continue without suffering financial failure
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spy noun [ˈspaɪ]
  • a person who tries secretly to get information about a country or organization for another country or organization —often used before another noun
  • someone who secretly watches the movement or actions of other people
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let verb [ˈlɛt]
  • to allow or permit (someone or something) to do something
  • —used in speech when you are making a polite offer to help someone
  • —used to introduce a polite statement or request
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halt verb [ˈhɑːlt]
  • to stop (something or someone) from moving or continuing
  • to stop moving or happening
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dummy noun [ˈdʌmi]
  • a stupid person
  • a doll that is shaped like and is as large as a person
  • a copy of a finished object that is used during practice or training
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warn verb [ˈwoɚn]
  • to tell (someone) about possible danger or trouble —usually + about or of
  • to tell (someone) to do or not to do something in order to avoid danger or trouble —usually + against
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united adjective []
  • involving people or groups working together to achieve something
  • made up of members who share the same purpose, interest, etc. —often used in the names of countries and organizations
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uniform noun [ˈjuːnəˌfoɚm]
  • a special kind of clothing that is worn by all the members of a group or organization (such as an army or team)
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umpire noun [ˈʌmˌpajɚ]
  • a person who controls play and makes sure that players act according to the rules in a sports event (such as a baseball game or a cricket or tennis match)
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strand noun [ˈstrænd]
  • a thin piece of thread, wire, hair, etc. —often + of
  • something that is long like a string—often + of
  • one of the parts of something that is very complicated—often + of
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sparkle verb [ˈspɑɚkəl]
  • to produce small flashes of light
  • to perform very well
  • to be or become bright and lively
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silky adjective [ˈsɪlki]
  • made of silk or of material that is soft, smooth, and shiny like silk
  • smooth, soft, and shiny like silk
  • smooth, soft, and rich
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set verb [ˈsɛt]
  • to put (something) in a place or position
  • to put (something) into the surface of something —often used as (be) set
  • to attach (something, such as a jewel) to a piece of jewelry or other decoration —often used as (be) set
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plus adjective [ˈplʌs]
  • having a value that is above zero : positive
  • —used after a letter grade (such as A, B, or C) to show that the work is slightly better than the letter by itself would indicate
  • —used after a number to indicate a range greater than that number
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playground noun [ˈpleɪˌgraʊnd]
  • an outdoor area where children can play that usually includes special equipment (such as swings and slides)
  • a place where people go to do enjoyable things
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outfit noun [ˈaʊtˌfɪt]
  • a set of clothes that are worn together
  • a group of people working together in the same activity
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mummy noun [ˈmʌmi]
  • a dead body of a person or animal prepared for burial in the manner of the ancient Egyptians by treating it with oils and wrapping it in strips of cloth