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flap noun [ˈflæp]
  • a flat piece of material that is attached to something on one side and that can be easily moved
  • the movement or sound of something that is moving up and down or back and forth
  • a state or situation in which many people are excited or upset
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ease noun [ˈiːz]
  • freedom from pain or trouble : comfort of body or mind
  • lack of difficulty
  • a relaxed and informal way of behaving
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dusty adjective [ˈdʌsti]
  • filled or covered with dust
  • slightly gray : somewhat dark or dull in color
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dizzy adjective [ˈdɪzi]
  • feeling that you are turning around in circles and are going to fall even though you are standing still
  • mentally or emotionally upset or confused
  • causing you to feel dizzy: such as
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distant adjective [ˈdɪstənt]
  • existing or happening far away in space : separated by space
  • far away in time : happening far in the past or far into the future
  • —used to describe a relative who is not closely related to you
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daze noun [ˈdeɪz]
  • a state in which someone (such as a person who has been surprised or injured) is not able to think or act normally—used in the phrase in a daze
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cautious adjective [ˈkɑːʃəs]
  • careful about avoiding danger or risk
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aside adverb [əˈsaɪd]
  • to or toward the side —often used figuratively
  • —used with put or set to describe something that is being kept or saved for a future use
  • —used to say that something is not included in a statement that follows
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stammer verb [ˈstæmɚ]
  • to speak with many pauses and repetitions because you have a speech problem or because you are very nervous, frightened, etc.
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snort verb [ˈsnoɚt]
  • to force air noisily through your nose
  • to express dislike, disapproval, anger, or surprise by snorting
  • to say (something) with a snort or while snorting
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myself pronoun [maɪˈsɛlf]
  • the person who is speaking or writing:
  • —used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to yourself after you have already been mentioned
  • —used for emphasis to refer again to yourself after you have already been mentioned
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glide verb [ˈglaɪd]
  • to move in a smooth way
  • to fly without engine power
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fuzzy adjective [ˈfʌzi]
  • covered with short, soft hairs, fur, etc. : covered with fuzz
  • not clear : not sharp or distinct
  • not clear in thought
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exact adjective [ɪgˈzækt]
  • fully and completely correct or accurate
  • very careful and accurate
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curve noun [ˈkɚv]
  • a smooth, rounded line, shape, path, etc.
  • a curved line on a graph that shows how something changes or is affected by one or more conditions
  • a curving line or shape of the human body and especially of a woman's body—usually plural
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suspender noun [səˈspɛndɚ]
  • straps that are used for holding up pants and that go over a person's shoulders —called also (British) braces
  • garter
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soggy adjective [ˈsɑːgi]
  • heavy with water or moisture : completely wet and usually soft
  • rainy
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skill noun [ˈskɪl]
  • the ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice