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embarrass verb [ɪmˈberəs]
  • to make (someone) feel confused and foolish in front of other people
  • to make (a person, group, government, etc.) look foolish in public
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darling noun [ˈdɑɚlɪŋ]
  • a person you love very much —often used to address someone you love
  • a kind and helpful person
  • someone who is liked very much by a person or group —often + of
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crude adjective [ˈkruːd]
  • very simple and basic : made or done in a way that does not show a lot of skill
  • rude in a way that makes people uncomfortable; especially : talking about sexual matters in a rude way
  • very simple and basic in a way that is true but not complete
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fiction noun [ˈfɪkʃən]
  • written stories about people and events that are not real : literature that tells stories which are imagined by the writer
  • something that is not true
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equipment noun [ɪˈkwɪpmənt]
  • supplies or tools needed for a special purpose
  • the act of equipping someone or something
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entertainment noun [ˌɛntɚˈteɪnmənt]
  • amusement or pleasure that comes from watching a performer, playing a game, etc.
  • the act of amusing or entertaining people
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steak noun [ˈsteɪk]
  • a thick, flat piece of meat and especially beef
  • a thick, flat piece of fish
  • beef that is cut into small pieces and used for stews, casseroles, etc.
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neighbor noun []
  • a person who lives next to or near another person
  • a person or thing that is next to or near another
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groan verb [ˈgroʊn]
  • to make a deep sound because of pain or some strong emotion (such as grief or disappointment)
  • to say (something that expresses annoyance or unhappiness)
  • to complain about something
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hunch verb [ˈhʌntʃ]
  • to bend your body forward and down so that your back is rounded
  • to raise (your shoulders or back) while bending your head forward especially to hide or protect your face
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peer noun [ˈpiɚ]
  • a person who belongs to the same age group or social group as someone else
  • a member of the British nobility
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pound noun [ˈpaʊnd]
  • a unit of weight that is equal to 16 ounces or 0.4536 kilograms
  • a basic unit of money in the United Kingdom and some other countries
  • a bill or coin that is worth one pound
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slope noun [ˈsloʊp]
  • ground that slants downward or upward : ground that slopes
  • an area of land on a mountain that is used for skiing —often plural
  • an upward or downward slant
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stroke noun [ˈstroʊk]
  • a serious illness caused when a blood vessel in your brain suddenly breaks or is blocked
  • an act of hitting a ball or the movement made to hit a ball during a game
  • an act of hitting the ball that is counted as part of a player's score
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tease verb [ˈtiːz]
  • to laugh at and criticize (someone) in a way that is either friendly and playful or cruel and unkind
  • to annoy or bother (an animal)
  • to make (hair) look fuller or bigger by combing it in a special way
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teeter verb [ˈtiːtɚ]
  • to move in an unsteady way back and forth or from side to side —often used figuratively
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grip verb [ˈgrɪp]
  • to grab or hold (something) tightly
  • to get and hold the interest or attention of (someone)
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glider noun [ˈglaɪdɚ]
  • an aircraft that is similar to an airplane but without an engine